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#MOTHERSINMJ Feature | Laura Albouy of INITIALS LA

Laural Albouy is a Parisian-born, Los Angeles based influencer and mother. Her style is the perfect combination of feminine, chic and effortless. She shares her insights on motherhood and how it has changed her life.

1. What has been your biggest challenge as a mother?

I got pregnant a few months after I met my son's father. We were very in love and married a few weeks after we met. I had just moved to Los Angeles from Paris and everything was so new to me. I was living in a new country, recently wed to my new husband, and speaking a different language. So having a baby was just the cherry on top and it took me a while to adjust.


 2. Any tips for entrepreneurial / working moms starting on their postpartum journey?

Trust in your innate motherhood. Don't pay attention to society's expectations or what people tell you to do. In France, where I come from, young mothers are very independent and continue to go out with friends and get back to work. Babies go to daycare very early. I feel like here in the USA there's more pressure on young mothers to be perfect and carry so many responsibilities. I think if you want to stay at home and enjoy every minute with your baby, then do it. If you feel like you would be more fulfilled at work, then do that. There's no shame in either choice.


 3. How do you create or maintain balance in your life?

I have to admit it's pretty hard since I work from home most of the time. The first two years of raising Jules I was working while he napped or slept at night. Now he goes to daycare but I still have so many hours I need to dedicate to work. His dad helps me a lot and can always rely on my husband when I need someone to watch Jules. We also have family two hours from Los Angeles. Once a month Jules spends time with his grandmother and grandfather and I can get some date-time. These moments are very, very important to me.


 4. How has becoming a mother altered your daily routine?

As I mentioned, the first two years of Jules was spent with me all the time. I only worked while he was napping and sleeping at night. The rest of the day I took long walks with him, went shopping, met my friends at cafes. Now that he goes to daycare, my daily routine is pretty much the same as before but I have to wake up earlier to accomplish everything that I would like to do in one day.


 5. What is your favorite aspect of parenthood?

The sleepless nights and the dark circles :-). More seriously, I would say that I love this feeling that whatever happens in my life, I will always have this little boy. It sounds cheesy but once you have a child, nothing else really matters.


Photo by @melarichard Laura is wearing the Itty Bitty Choker.



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