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We're so excited to feature Angela Fink, a Los Angeles based celebrity stylist, influencer and mother. Women's Wear Daily named her "the most stylish pregnant mom on Instagram" and we're endlessly inspired by her style and view on motherhood. She shares the importance of self-care, creating realistic to-do lists, her challenges and favorite aspect of motherhood.

Angela Fink - Marida Jewelry

1. Moms often put themselves last and you end up forgetting to take care of yourself. Do you have anything you must do or any ritual to make yourself feel good?
I never realized how vital self-care was until I had a child. When I wasn't allowing myself time refresh Lola, my daughter was feeling the effects of that. I also realized I wasn't teaching her about self-care by example. I quickly changed when Lola was around six months old. I started putting down my phone for full afternoons to focus only Lola. A spa night which involves a magnesium bath and at home facial. My favorite is cooking dinner with my husband and sitting down at a table to eat.
2. As an entrepreneurial mom, being efficient or meeting goals at work can be difficult. Do you have any tips for other moms out there trying to juggle mom and work?
Yes, I use Google Drive multiple times a day from dinner ideas to my own person's goals and to do list. I even have one for Lola on when to change her nap, drop the bottle and work on her ABC’s.  I do have to keep in mind that I need to be realistic. I might have ten items on my to-do list for that day, but I need to remember that only accomplishing one thing is something to be proud of.
Angela Fink - Marida Jewelry
3. What has been your biggest challenge as a mother?
Being a mom is like having a big magnifying mirror on your actions, choices, and almost everything in your life. Making you look at things that need to change and focus on whats important. The challenge is accepting that maybe you aren't doing something that is beneficial and being open to change.
Angela Fink - Marida Jewelry

4. What is your favorite aspect of parenthood?
My favorite aspect of parenthood has to be seeing Lola learn something new for the first time. It's the little things we might take for granted, but looking at those things through your child's eyes is magical. Another favorite is when Lola comes up to me and kisses me for no reason.

5. What do you think is the best thing about being your own mama boss?
I get to be with my daughter almost everyday all day! I know that even though it's hard, I know it will be the best thing I have ever done in my life.

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